Smell and Taste Dysfunction in COVID-19

Thank you for participating in this research study about smell and taste testing for the screening of COVID-19.

Eligibility: You're eligible to participate in this study if you are a healthcare provider or other personnel working at a UPHS clinical site that carries or sees COVID-19 patients.

Study Goal: Our goal is to determine whether screening for loss of smell and taste can identify early infection and help slow the spread of COVID-19.

Participation: If you decide to participate in this study, you will be asked to do the following:

  1. 1. Complete a 2-minute survey about symptoms of loss of smell and taste.
  1. 2. If selected, perform a 10-minute smell and taste identification tests, which will be mailed to an address of your choosing.
  1. 3. Complete a 2-minute follow-up survey 3 weeks later.

Informed Consent: Below, you will see the Informed Consent form and an area to provide an electronic signature. If you choose to participate, your name will be collected for the purpose of obtaining informed consent, and your email will be collected to ensure you recieve the correct follow-up surveys. This information will be disconnected from your survey responses.

Once completed, you will be taken to a short survey about symptoms of changes in smell, taste, and symptoms of COVID-19. The only information collected about you will be that which you share in the survey. All questions are optional, with the exception of questions for which an answer is needed to obtain informed consent and allow for continuing participation in the study.

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